Under the Glacier

The day after the hike on top of the Root Glacier, both Bradie and Diana were off work and they took me for a hike out to an ice cave underneath Kennicott Glacier. Once again, just enjoy the pictures.

Mouth of the ice cave. The whole cave must have been 300 feet long, with a conveniently placed ledge to walk on the whole way.

Mouth of the ice cave. The whole cave must have been 300 feet long, with a conveniently placed ledge to walk on the whole way.

Warped walls.

Warped walls.

Ice hanging over the river running through the cave.

Ice hanging over the river running through the cave.

Not a bad view out the back of the cave.

Not a bad view out the back of the cave.

It was actually a two-storey ice cave.

It was actually a two-storey ice cave.

Apparently, this line used to be a crevasse that closed up again.

Apparently, this line used to be a crevasse that closed up again.

A couple of days later I took Chelsea and doctor Matt on the same hike out to the ice cave. We were sitting just over a pile of moraine, letting some other people have their moment enjoying the view, when there was suddenly the most enormous rumbling noise and we ran up to see that the entire mouth of the cave had fallenĀ in. Fortunately, nobody was inside when it happened.

We sat around outside the cave for another hour or so afterwards in the hope of seeing more drama but we were out of luck. As we hiked back out, we weren’t sure which emotion we felt the strongest: relief at not having been crushed to death inside the cave, or frustration at havingĀ been so close to the collapse without actually seeing it happen! Such is life, I guess.

All of this caved in two days after I took this photo.

This caved in two days after I took this photo. Would have been a nasty way to die.

2 Thoughts.

  1. Hallo Jacob. This is amazing what you are going through.
    Makes me remember Alaska and miss it.
    Someone is watching you, so keep enjoying, writing and take care.
    Regards from Moshe

  2. “Look how freaking awesome this is, Luke, we HAVE to go visit a glacial cave!”

    10 seconds later…
    “…let’s never go there.”

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