Buga, Colombia

From Salento I got rides to Buga, a town which was somehow less interesting than the hassle it took me to leave it.

Nice sunset view from the roof of my hostel. The pink church is one of the main pilgrimage sites in Colombia.

Nice sunset view from the roof of my hostel. The pink church is one of the main pilgrimage sites in Colombia.

Interesting trees on the way out.

Interesting trees on the way out.

And some kind of fancy-pants mansion.

And some kind of fancy-pants mansion.

Then I was faced with this thing.

Then I was faced with this thing.

This thing. Never seen one before in Colombia...

This thing. Never seen one before in Colombia…

...but perhaps they wanted to celebrate having a smooth road with three lanes on either side.

…but perhaps they wanted to celebrate having a smooth road with three lanes on either side.

Anyhow, I made several short hops towards Popayan.

Anyhow, I made several short hops towards Popayan.

Getting there...

Getting there…

And stopped in some nice spots on the way.

And stopped in some nice spots on the way.

Shade was important.

Shade was important.

And this tree trunk was cool.

And this tree trunk was cool.

Just patiently waiting...

Just patiently waiting…

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 61,960 km.
Total number of rides: 442.

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