Salento, Colombia

So I began my backtrack. It took a day and a half to get to Riosucio and three in total to get to Salento, a popular touristy town in the mountains where I rented a room for two weeks and did a few admin related things I needed to get done.

River in Peñalisa during the backtrack.

River in Peñalisa during the backtrack.

Nice tree-lined road during the backtrack.

Nice tree-lined road during the backtrack.

Colombian truck driver representing with the best flag.

Colombian truck driver representing with the best flag.

Spent a night in the big city of Pereira (boring, don't bother) and this was the little shanty town on the edge of the city as I walked out.

Spent a night in the big city of Pereira (boring, don’t bother) and this was the little shanty town on the edge of the city as I walked out.

Wasn't having any luck so I walked all the way to the bottom of the long, steep hill hoping to find a nice flat spot to hitch. I did, but had to stand beside this monstrosity of a motel  for at least two minutes before I got a ride.

Wasn’t having any luck so I walked all the way to the bottom of the long, steep hill hoping to find a nice flat spot to hitch. I did, but had to stand beside this monstrosity of a motel for at least two minutes before I got a ride.

Weird abandoned building watching over me as I waited for a ride on the side-road into Salento.

Weird abandoned building watching over me as I waited for a ride on the side-road into Salento.

In Salento I found an Indian restaurant where I had a good curry and a mango lassi.

In Salento I found an Indian restaurant where I had a good curry and a mango lassi.

And in fact I rented my room above the same restaurant. It was a lovely place to spend a couple of weeks.

And in fact I rented my room above the same restaurant. It was a lovely place to spend a couple of weeks.

Sometimes the fog would roll in.

Sometimes the fog would roll in.

But mostly the area around Salento looked like this.

But mostly the area around Salento looked like this.

And the road south was good and smooth when I eventually got out of there.

And the road south was good and smooth when I eventually got out of there.

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 61,703 km.
Total number of rides: 435.

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