Jardin, Colombia

From Santa Fe I headed to Jardin, another nice town in the department of Antioquia. It was down a little road in the hills which wasn’t easy to get back from, but more about that in the next post.

Nice sunny day on the way out of Santa Fe.

Nice sunny day on the way out of Santa Fe.

Probably the most Alaskan-looking spot in the whole of Colombia.

Probably the most Alaskan-looking spot in the whole of Colombia.

And it even had some kind of mining operation to complete the look!

And it even had some kind of mining operation to complete the look!

Getting deeper into the hills.

Getting deeper into the hills.

Didn't quite make it to Jardin the first day so spent the night in Hispania, with its elegant little church hidden behind the trees.

Didn’t quite make it to Jardin the first day so spent the night in Hispania, with its elegant little church hidden behind the trees.

Roads through little towns.

Roads through little towns.

Jardin's big church.

Jardin’s big church.

Horses in the main square.

Horses in the main square.

Went to get a cable car up the hill but it wasn't running...

Went to get a cable car up the hill but it wasn’t running…

...so I stared at it from the bottom instead.

…so I stared at it from the bottom instead.

Then one afternoon it pissed it down, as it often does in Colombia at this time of year.

Then one afternoon it pissed it down, as it often does in Colombia at this time of year.

And the hostel had interesting architecture!

And the hostel had interesting architecture!

And then on a sunny day I walked out of town.

And then on a sunny day I walked out of town.

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 61,422 km.
Total number of rides: 424.

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