Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland

Spent a few days exploring different parts of the Avalon Peninsula in eastern Newfoundland. It’s more or less divided into four parts: two northern and two southern. St John’s is on one of the northern parts and this post is about one southern and the other northern one.

A bleak, black beach down in St Vincent's.

A bleak, black beach down in St Vincent’s.

St Vincent's is only a little place.

St Vincent’s is only a little place.

But it's beautiful.

But it’s beautiful.

Up the northern peninsula in the town of Brigus.

Up the northern part of the peninsula in the town of Brigus.

Brigus church.

Brigus church.

Isolated roads.

Isolated roads.

People round here keep telling me it's almost summer. The icebergs keep telling me otherwise.

People round here keep telling me it’s summer. The icebergs keep telling me otherwise.

Got dropped off by The Wooden Boat Museum of Newfoundland in the town of Winterton so I popped in. There was a boat-building class in progress.

Got dropped off by The Wooden Boat Museum of Newfoundland in the town of Winterton so I popped in. There was a boat-building class in progress.

Getting there.

Getting there.

The sleepy little town of Heart's Content has an amazing claim to fame: the first ever transatlantic cable came here, way back in 1858!

The sleepy little town of Heart’s Content has an amazing claim to fame: the first ever transatlantic cable came here, way back in 1858!

The first cable laid in 1858 failed but the 1866 one lasted, and this is the remains of it!

The first cable laid in 1858 failed but the 1866 one lasted, and this is the remains of it!

There aren't many dirt roads in Newfoundland but I found one.

There aren’t many dirt roads in Newfoundland but I found one.

And ended up having to spend the night by it.

And ended up having to spend the night by it.

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 639 km.
Total number of rides: 20.

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