Trepassey, Newfoundland

Started hitching going south out of St John’s. Made it to Trepassey that night.

A view out to sea from the driveway of a guy who gave me a ride.

A view out to sea from the driveway of a guy who gave me a ride.

Typical highway round these parts.

Typical highway round these parts.

Hiked inland a little way with four people who picked me up, to find this nice spot.

Hiked inland a little way with four people who picked me up, to find this nice spot.

Looking out to sea from the same place.

Looking out to sea from the same place.



More coastline.

Nice coastline.

Stopped for the night near Trepassey water tower.

Stopped for the night near Trepassey water tower.

Home for the night.

Home for the night.

Cooking spot for the night.

Cooking spot for the night.

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 247 km.
Total number of rides: 8.

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