Prelude Lake, Northwest Territories

Then I ended up staying at the house of two other friends of Kim from Hay River, Anna and Trevor. They treated me very well and one day Trevor took me out for a paddle in his canoe on Prelude Lake, a little way northeast of Yellowknife.

So we got in a lake...

So we got in a lake…

...and paddled through that passageway.

…and paddled through that passageway.

It wasn't such a bad day.

It wasn’t such a bad day.

The plantlife welcomed us.

The plantlife welcomed us.

I tried my hand at fishing.

I tried my hand at fishing.

We stopped for lunch on a rocky island.

We stopped for lunch on a rocky island.

Then we paddled away again.

Then we paddled away again.

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 13285 km.
Total number of rides: 106.

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