High Level, Alberta

So then I hitched down to Toronto and didn’t take many photos and then I hitched across Ontario and didn’t take many photos and then I hitched up through the prairies into northern Alberta and didn’t take many photos. So here’s not many photos of a huge amount of stuff I passed by.

Somewhere in northern Quebec, there was this tower...

Somewhere in northern Quebec, there was this tower…

...which you climb to look at this lake.

…which you climb to look at this lake.

In Ville Marie, a guy who gave me a ride recommended a poutine place. Poutine is not healthy!

In Ville Marie, a guy who gave me a ride recommended a poutine place. Poutine is not healthy!

Near Ville Marie is a forest...

Near Ville Marie is a forest…

...with art.

…with art.

In Toronto I stayed with my cousin Zoë and this was the view of downtown from her balcony.

In Toronto I stayed with my cousin Zoë and this was the view of downtown from her balcony.

North of Sudbury, Ontario, I was taken to this lovely spot.

North of Sudbury, Ontario, I was taken to this lovely spot.

It was also lovely from the other angle.

It was also lovely from the other angle.

Then a while later I was in Saskatchewan and there was farm machinery everywhere...

Then a while later I was in Saskatchewan and there was farm machinery everywhere…

...and grain bins on the move. Or were they missiles?

…and grain bins on the move. Or were they missiles?

Endless fields.

Endless fields.

In northern Alberta, hitching at 6 o'clock on a misty morning was beautiful.

In northern Alberta, hitching at 6 o’clock on a misty morning was beautiful.

Later on the same day, not far from the tar sands in northern Alberta. Not at all what I was expecting it to look like!

Later on the same day, not far from the tar sands in northern Alberta. Not at all what I was expecting it to look like!

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 12319 km.
Total nummber of rides: 101.

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