Out of Valdez

Chelsea and I explored Valdez for a couple of days and then headed north up the pass again. The fog was so thick as we drove away that we could barely see anything out of the windows, just like when I visited on my bicycle.

Fortunately we saw the mountains on the way in.

Fortunately we saw the mountains on the way in.

First stop was the Worthington Glacier just over the pass, which has great views down the valley. We spent a long time hiking around here and just sitting beside the waterfall and the raging stream, neither of which I photographed well. With no-one else around, it was very peaceful.

Worthington Glacier.

Worthington Glacier.

Down valley from the Glacier.

Down valley from the Glacier. Chelsea is just visible wandering over the moraine.

Glacial silt. Cold, but fantastic for your skin.

Glacial mud from the stream I was sitting beside. Cold, but fantastic for your skin.

We continued north then turned east on the Edgerton Highway and drove towards Chitina alongside the Copper River, which contains probably the best salmon on the planet. Fishing season hadn’t started yet, though, so we couldn’t get our hands on any.

The Copper River.

The Copper River. This was one of the most memorable views from when I cycled through these parts last time around.

We camped a few miles before Chitina in the tiny Liberty Falls campground. It rained all evening and the mosquitos were plentiful but it was pleasant all the same to sit near the stream and hear the waterfall roar in the background. In the morning, Chelsea had to drive back to work so I continued my trip on my own.

Liberty Falls.

Liberty Falls.

I’m glad I came to Alaska in late May. It’s still very cold at night, and often during the day as well, but the mountains are all the more spectacular for being dotted with patches of snow. The views more than make up for the slight discomfort of the weather.

Total distance hitchhiked: 706 km.
Total number of rides: 6.

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