Fort Liard, Northwest Territories

From Yellowknife I headed southwest, towards British Colombia and a pleasant trip emerged which was not at all reflected in this series of relatively average photos. Apologies.

This picture is included cause I didn't take a picture of the bridge on the way up so I was determined to on the way back. 100% not a waste of time.

This picture is included cause I didn’t take a picture of the bridge on the way up so I was determined to on the way back. 100% not a waste of time.

It was 36 celsius when I stood at this junction. Do you have any idea how insane that is, given how far north I was? Google Yellowknife, it's really bloody far north.

It was 36 celsius when I stood at this junction. Do you have any idea how insane that is, given how far north I was? Google Yellowknife, it’s really bloody far north.

Far from everything as usual.

Far from everything as usual.

Fort Liard is up a side road, across a river with no bridge. The lovely family I was hitching with wanted to check it out, so we went.

Fort Liard is up a side road, across a river with no bridge. The lovely family I was hitching with wanted to check it out, so we went.

On board.

On board.

Campsite that night was by this lake...

Campsite that night was by this lake…

...where I tried my hand at fishing, for the second time ever. (No, I didn't catch anything). The little kid is the child of the family.

…where I tried my hand at fishing, for the second time ever. (No, I didn’t catch anything). The little kid is the child of the family.



Then we ran into the forest fires in British Colombia and everything looked like this.

Then we ran into the forest fires in British Colombia and everything looked like this.

The ride.

The ride.





And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 14082 km.
Total number of rides: 109.

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