Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

Through a series of events I still don’t fully understand, I spent my first night in Yellowknife staying in the cabin of the friend of a friend of a lady called Kim I met once over dinner at Jennifer and Alvin’s place. Anyway, I stayed in the cabin of this lady Dawn I never met or spoke to in the old Woodyard area of Yellowknife, which is famous for having lots of higgledy-piggledy cabins squashed into a little area. It’s right by Great Slave Lake and it’s a very cool place.

This is what you call a cabin.

This is what you call a cabin.


It's even got electricity.

It’s even got electricity.

No outsiders, though.

No outsiders, though.

And then along fifty feet of boardwalk...

And then along fifty feet of boardwalk… Great Slave Lake, complete with floating houses.

…is Great Slave Lake, complete with floating houses.

And a pile of communal canoes.

And a pile of communal canoes.

Later, I climbed a big hill at the back of town.

Later, I climbed a big hill at the back of town.

Yellowknife's most famous street.

Yellowknife’s most famous street.

NWT has the best licence plates.

NWT has the best licence plates.

Surprisingly, Yellowknife also has a really good Ethiopian restaurant.

Surprisingly, Yellowknife also has a really good Ethiopian restaurant.

Though I couldn't escape the summer's awful weather, even if it was only while I was eating dinner.

Though I couldn’t escape the summer’s awful weather, even if it was only while I was eating dinner.

And that’s all you’re getting.

Total distance hitchhiked: 13214 km.
Total number of rides: 105.

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