Labrador City, Labrador

From Red Bay onwards large sections of the road were dirt. For several days, the weather was mostly awful and the bugs were out in huge numbers. Here’s a diary of a few days in Labrador in a selection of lousy photos.

So long, paved road.

So long, paved road.

Better be careful.

Better be careful.

You know there's a lot of bugs when three giant ones fly in front of a single photo. Good grief, there were swarms of them and it was horrible.

You know there’s a lot of bugs when three giant ones fly in front of a single photo. Good grief, there were swarms of them and it was horrible.

Damp night in a junk yard by the highway.

Damp night in a junk yard by the highway.

Bear bear bear bear bear.

Bear bear bear bear bear.





I did have one night of good weather, down by the river in the town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

I did have one night of good weather, down by the river in the town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Very nice.

Very nice.

Making dinner.

Making dinner.

Beautiful in the twilight.

Beautiful in the twilight.

Just cause you camp, doesn't mean you can't game.

Just cause you camp, doesn’t mean you can’t game.

Everything's far away.

Everything’s far away.

Truck rides.

Truck rides.

Truck stops.

Truck stops.

Camped by a sports field in Labrador City, with only a fake bear for company.

Camped by a sports field in Labrador City, with only a fake bear for company.

And that’s all you’re getting. Told you they were lousy photos!

Total distance hitchhiked: 3269 km.
Total number of rides: 48.

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